Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day three of film shoot and things heat up

 We were back in the studio today where we finished the core greenscreen scenes, although there is a teaser scene we'll still need to shoot there on Friday. Yesterday at the end of the day a decision was made that I was to be in the end of one shot. This meant that my wardrobe had to be finalized out of the back seat of my car and my voice settled on for the rest of the film.I'm doing a haphazard Dumbledoor and am wearing slippers. The weather is fifteen degrees too hot for me to wear this level of sweater, but I'm wearing it anyways. At one point I couldn't say the lines due to a combination of dehydration and delusion. I got through a significant three minute scene. I don't know how many more I have as I have a script reading phobia this week. I did manage to count lines for myself (171 as compared to Geremy's 99). 

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