Tuesday, June 4, 2013

1922 Acme Model 12 Type G 35mm projector

I progressed on my basement clean up today which included taking all my projectors and cameras off their shelves and sorting and purging. One item I've been wanted to restore or do something with for years is a 35mm projector I got from a Filmpool garage sale in the late 90s. Since it still has its instructions, I can tell it is an Acme model 12 type G "carries like a suitcase" projector. Someone is selling an identical one on e-bay for $625, the images match exactly, and say it is from 1919, although mine has a 1922 date stamped on it. Mine is seized up and will only crawl slowly forward when electricity it put to it (which Roland helped me do a few years ago). I need someone who knows about bearings and that sort of stuff to help me get it moving.