Monday, March 18, 2013

Life, and death, on Mars

I wanted to see if a communal project would inspire my animation class today. I took a page from the Microscope game to get them to put together a bit of a story which involved people on Mars under threat of being eaten. Class was okay, although I don't think it was as engaging a project as I'd hoped. When 5:20 came along, they all had to leave. With the artwork coplete and only a few shots to go, I finished it off. By the time I'd rendered the footage, cleaned the space and returned equipment, computers, art supplies, teaching supplies, and artwork to where things belonged, it was 7:00 and too late to get to the Filmpool for the guest talk.
Before work today, I dropped past mom's and photographed her Quilts of Valour quilt before it gets donated. You can see it on this link: 

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