Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hot house

The house was full of people all day. One of William's friends came over at 10:30 am to play Lego, watch tv, and make a movie. More followed, but by mid afternoon I realized that William had a temperature of 103.4. I  gave him some advil and a rest while his friends continued to play. He eventually felt better and they made some movies together. Only one was on my camera, the others were on Teagan's camera. I posted this small puppet show on William's youtube channel. Just before the last kid left, Steve Karsh from across the street arrived for dinner. We had a nice evening with him. To my amazement, William fell asleep before 8, the earliest he's slept in over five years. He woke back up again at 11:30 so I'll need to spend some time with him. His fever is returning and his cough is still pretty bad.

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