Sunday, June 28, 2009

Vacation day 4

Before swimming today we went back to the mall and looked at the window display at the Great White game/comic/model store in South Centre Mall. They have the Lego of Death Star 2, the Eiffel Tower, and the Millenium Falcon assembled there. These are very expensive on-line ($650) but in the store they are marked up an additional $250. Yikes. William did not pressure me to buy one. I took him to Toys R Us but the stock there was pathetic. Perhaps all Calgary kids get Lego at the end of the school year? After supper I met my nephew's girlfriend and we ended up talking about a box of old comic books he got for free. Wow, he really knows how to show a girl a good time! (actually, if I was to critisise anyone it would be me for knowing way to much about the 1970s comic book industry).

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