Saturday, May 30, 2009


This morning Margaret and I went to the farm and planted the four apricot plants I dug the other day. We put them part way down the tiny hillside where our old grain bin turned "cottage" is sitting. I also spent a couple of hours sweeping dust, cob webs, old grain, bird and mouse nests out of it in preparation for painting. We had to rush back to town and hit an art opening which I ended up missing so I could take my turn at watching the boys (William and his friend). A generally active and distracting Saturday.

The video on Keith Lee that William shot the other day has garnered more positive reviews than most of my work.
Robin Schlaht writes "A fine and thoughtful piece of work in my estimation. It references skill and experience ("how many years have you been fishing"), perception and representation ("I think I just saw a guy with a baby go by"), and the Canadian identity (flag and the rural/urban reference of fishing in a city back alley). A very complex and mature discourse."

Erin Gee writes "wow...what a soundtrack...!"

Kari Pederson writes "this changed my life."

Janine Bernat writes "Alley Fisherman is a lot like watching "Hooked" with Mark Krupa on Oasis HD!! .....with just an undertone of the Mobey Dick-Old Man and the Sea theme. The audience is constantly in suspense as we almost hope that Keith Lee is unsuccessful in his bid to find something or someone at the end of his fishing pole. Yet, ... Read Moresomehow, we envision him as the hero, and secretly long for a morbid find - a vengeful triumph for Keith Lee over the alley. William's natural talent as director and narrator shines through in this real life documentary drama of a man with his fly rod on a mission."

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