Monday, January 5, 2009

classes began

Classes resumed today; I had my new animation course. We have a very crowded room and it's nearly impossible to teach the technical stuff the way I thought I would. Good natured students though, I think it'll go well in the end.
William lost another tooth this morning just before school; it had been loose for a few days. He's so excited about the tooth fairy that he can't sleep. He called me in 15 minutes ago because the memory card on his camera needed emptying; he'd filled it shooting video trying to catch her coming into his room.
I spent a couple of hours this evening packaging up some videos to propose for the hallway monitors. Some company installed about a hundred of them throughout the university of Regina a few months ago, they "captivate" you while you wait for elevators, that sort of thing. They've agreed to show short (10 second) silent films on the monitors between their ads. They don't pay any fees. I've made videos without my name on them, so it's not for the profile. I guess it's just to add some colour to the world. Here is one below, although the compression makes it the opposite of what it is supposed to be:

1 comment:

Berny Hi said...

very neat idea i say